How can we create a fresh and inspirational new organisational identity with longevity?


Social Service Providers Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa


Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa. Better health and wellbeing for Aotearoa.


Naming, Organisation Identity
Social Service Providers Aotearoa (SSPA) is a national registered charity that represents some 200 community organisations working with mokopuna, rangatahi, whānau and their communities. With their collective membership, SSPA works to ensure Aotearoa's NGO social services are make a positive impact every day in our communities.

The challenge

SSPA’s existing identity had served it well, but an update was overdue. The organisation needed a vibrant, inclusive, and inspiring identity that connected to their kaupapa and captured the essence of the organisation’s purpose and values. The organisation was also interested in adding a te reo Māori phrase to add to their English name. SSPA wanted a identity with flexibility that was easy to use across different applications. But the key goal of the identity refresh was longevity — the identity needed to retain its freshness and last well into the future.

The solution

To explore naming options, we conducted a rigorous process that acknowledged SSPA’s obligations as Te Tiriti partners. We engaged and collaborated with mana whenua (Ngāti Toa Rangatira), Dr Taku Parai and SSPA were gifted three Māori phrases. After discussions with kaimahi (staff), 'Te Pai Ora o Aotearoa' was selected which translates to improved health and wellbeing for Aotearoa. This phrase reflects SSPA’s mahi and the aspirational goals of their member organisations.

The tohu (logomark) combines two unfurling and loosely intertwined koru to represent growth, potential and working together. The two koru remain separate to reflect the mahi of SSPA as the in-between space that unites neighbourhoods, organisations and people.

We developed a new design system for SSPA that is simple, accessible and easy for SSPA to use. To allow flexibility and a dynamic feel across different identity applications we used a vibrant colour palette and a new approach to imagery that focuses on whānau and community.

SSPA’s new identity will confidently take them into the future as they continue their important mahi.

"We have been thrilled with the way that Ocean demonstrated āta whakarongo in their mahi with us, listening with care to understand our mahi and role, and with the creativity and vibrancy that they have brought forward from concept to delivery. The other aspect of the mahi Ocean has undertaken with us that we are particularly appreciative of is the grounding in maatauranga me tikanga Māori, and the way that whakawhanaungatanga has been deeply woven into how we have worked together. Ka nunui te mihi ki te whānau o Ocean Design!"
Dr Claire Achmad, Chief Executive Officer, Social Service Providers Aotearoa

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